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Category: OpenSolaris

It’s been just over a week since we officially launched Solaris 10 and the reactions from the press have been all over the map. Consider these two declarations:

Not many open source aficionados will realize the impact, but by making Solaris 10 free and capable of operating on any kind of hardware, Sun is making a coup in the server market.

As a result Linux will probably not grow much beyond its current market share of about 10% leaving Red Hat and especially Novell with a big problem.


Sun’s announcement of the launch of free open source Solaris 10 has garnered a mild positive response from the investment community. However it also has raised a lot of skepticism from the technical community. The current plans are not good enough.


In case you didn’t notice the URLs: those are the same guy posted about 20ns apart. Why the sudden reversal? slashdot! Yes, the Linus-loyal quickly rose to Linux’s defence citing the multitude of reasons Open Solaris will fail.

It will be a while before anyone knows the relative success or failure of Open Solaris — we’re not even sure of the terms of the license — so this is last challenge I’m going to rise to. But look: the Linux that exists today is a direct result literally and philosophically of its community. And while Solaris has so far been developed by a closed community, it also reflects the timbre of that community. For example: Linux adheres to a spartan philosophy of debugging help — ergo no crash dumps; Solaris takes a different tack — we require projects to come with debugger commands to examine crash dumps. It’s the community that defines the project and, as is evident, it’s the community that defends it, but don’t discount the very real Solaris community.

The dumbest slight is against Solaris’s hardware compatabiIity: do you think Linux always ran on as much stuff as it does now? Of course not. A month ago, did Solaris run on the (sick) new laptop I’m typing this on? Nope. The hardware these two operating systems support doesn’t define their communities, bur rather the reverse. When people can hack up Solaris to work on their gear, they will just as they’ve been doing on Linux for years.

I can’t wait for the license to be announced, for to open for bidness, and to have people start contributing code from outside of Sun. Does anyone really doubt that these things will happen? The only question is if Open Solaris will take off — wait and see.

I was at the Solaris 10 launch for most of Monday, and it was a pretty fantastic day for everyone working on Solaris 10. I spent about two hours helping to answer questions in an online chat — here’s the transcript — about Solaris 10 in what was dubbed a webchat sweatshop. There were a bunch of us from the Solaris group as well as Scott and some other execs all huddled around laptops while the HR folks beat the drum at a slow, but steady pace: These answers have to be on the streets of Hong Kong by morning.

I spent the rest of the afternoon talking to customers and the press — mostly about DTrace — and the exciting thing was that even more than before, they’re getting it and they’re excited about Solaris. One of the most indelible moments was when a group of us from the kernel group were talking to Jem Matzan of The Jem Report and he challenged the claim that Solaris 10 was the most innovative operating system ever. As we all painted the picture of Solaris 10, I realized that this was true. Solaris 10 isn’t just a random collection of neat crap, but it comes together as a cohesive whole that innovates in each and every place an operating system can innovate. Maybe that’s a stretch, but it’s not far off..

Check out LinuxInsider’s article on Solaris 10. In particular, the last paragraph has high praise for Solaris 10 and Sun’s forthcoming hardware ventures:

Bring them together in production systems and what do you get? The ability to organize your business around a single physical computer redundantly implemented in processors spread across your network — meaning that a lot of business processes now limited by technology costs and software complexity can be simplified right down to affordability. That’s what Solaris 10 is really about, and the 10-year impact is likely to be like nothing we’ve seen before.

Come Monday, I hope to see similar thoughtful analysis coming from other publications.

Trawling through b.s.c I noticed Fintan Ryan talking about gcore(1), and I realized that I hadn’t sufficently promoted this cool utility. As part of my work adding variable core file content, I rewote gcore from scratch (it used to be a real pile) to add a few new features and to make it use libproc (i.e. make it slightly less of a pile).

You use gcore to take a core dump of a live running process without actually causing the process to crash. It’s not completely uninvasive because gcore stops the process you’re taking the core of to ensure a consistent snapshot, but unless the process is huge or it’s really cranky about timing the perturbation isn’t noticeable. There are a lot of places where taking a snapshot with gcore is plenty useful. Let’s say a process is behaving strangely, but you can’t attach a debugger because you don’t want to take down the service, or you want to have a core file to send to someone who can debug it when you yourself can’t — gcore is perfect. I use to it to take cores of mozilla when it’s chugging away on the processor, but not making any visible progress.

I mentioned that big processes can take a while to gcore — not surprising because we have to dump that whole image out to disk. One of the cool uses of variable core file content is the ability to take faster core dumps by only dumping the sections you care about. Let’s say there’s some big ISM segment or a big shared memory segment: exclude it and gcore will go faster:

hedge /home/ahl -> gcore -c default-ism 256755
gcore: core.256755 dumped

Pretty handy, but the coolest I’ve been making of gcore lately is by mixing it with DTrace and the new(ish) system() action. This script snapshots my process once every ten seconds and names the files according to the time they were produced:

# cat gcore.d
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
doit = 1;
/doit && pid == $1/
system("gcore -o core.%%t %d", pid);
system("prun %d", pid);
doit = 0;
# dtrace -s gcore.d  256755
gcore: core.1097724567.256755 dumped
gcore: core.1097724577.256755 dumped
gcore: core.1097724600.256755 dumped

WARNING! When you specify destructive in DTrace, it means destructive. The system() and stop() actions can be absolutely brutal (I’ve rendered at least one machine unusable my indelicate use of that Ramirez-Ortiz-ian one-two combo. That said, if you screw something up, you can break into the debugger and set dtrace_destructive_disallow to 1.

OK, so be careful, but that script can give you some pretty neat results. Maybe you have some application that seems to be taking a turn for the worse around 2 a.m. — put together a DTrace script that detects the problem and use gcore to take a snapshot so you can figure out what was going on when to get to the office in the morning. Take a couple of snapshots to see how things are changing. You do like debugging from core dumps, right?

go to the Solaris 10 top 11-20 list for more

Getting back to the business of the Solaris 10 top 11-20, Eric Schrock has written up a great piece on kmdb the new kernel-mode debugger which is newly available in Solaris Express 8/04. Check it out.

Since a few people in various forums have been asking about it, I thought I’d explain a little about how Solaris Express works. I know the story best from the kernel side, but keep in mind there are other parts of Solaris — Java, the X server, etc. — that have slightly different processes.

In kernel development we cut a build of Solaris 10 every two weeks; these are numbered s10_XX (for example, Solaris Express 7/04 is s10_60). Those take a week or two to coagulate into the WOS (Wad Of Stuff) which combines the kernel with the latest cut of the X server, gnome, etc. We spend another week or three making sure there’s nothing too toxic in that build and release it in the form of a Solaris Express build. The lag time between when the build cuts and when it hits the streets in a Solaris Express build is usually about 4-6 weeks. We’re about to release Solaris Express 8/04 (s10_63) and we just cut s10_66 on Monday. Note that Solaris Express isn’t some release which we spend extensive time polishing; unless there’s some real tragic problem, you’re using the same bits that I’m using on my desktop. Since we cut a build every 2 weeks, we choose the best, most stable of the two or three builds since the last Solaris Express release, but usually it’s the latest stuff. It can be pretty daunting to know that once you integrate a change into Solaris there’s very little time to make sure its right — we take a lot of pride in making sure Solaris is stable not just for every release of Solaris Express, but every numbered build and, in fact, every nightly build.

As far as what to expect in future releases, I have some hints for DTrace here, but other than, that I think you just have to bite your nails and wait for the release notes. I will tell you that SX 9/04 is going to be exciting — check out Stephen’s weblog for why.

As I mentioned, SX 8/04 will be out very soon. Check out my DTrace Solaris Express decoder ring to see what new DTrace features are in this release (hint: -c and -p are way cool). Dan Price has written up a great description of all the stuff that’s new in Solaris Express 8/04.

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