Eric Schrock's Blog

Live from Brazil

May 31, 2005

Dave Powell and myself have arrived at FISL, an open source conference in Brazil, along with a crowd of other Sun folks. Dave and I (with introduction from Sun VP Tom Goguen) will be hosting a 4 hour OpenSolaris pre-event tomorrow, June 1st. We’ll be talking about all the cool features available in OpenSolaris, as well as how Solaris development works today and how we hope it will work in the future. If you’re attending the conference, be sure to stop by to learn about OpenSolaris, and what makes Solaris (and Solaris developers) tick. We’ll also be hanging around the Sun booth during the rest of the conference, giving mini-presentations, demos, answering questions, and chatting with anyone who will listen. We’re happy to talk about OpenSolaris, Solaris, Sun, or your favorite scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Oh yeah, there will be lots of T-shirts and Solaris 10 DVDs as well.

2 Responses

  1. I’ve just came out from your presentation and I’d like to thank you. I enjoyed all of them.
    Please, could you make the slides available for download? I’d like to show them to my coworkers next week.
    Thank you.

  2. [Trackback] I’ve been hearing from some of the Sun folks that went to
    FISL this year, the Free Software Forum in
    Brazil. Even for the 30 hours it takes to get there, plus the really long days and
    even longer nights , it
    was still the conference to go …

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