Eric Schrock's Blog

GDB to MDB Migration, Part Two

June 17, 2005

So talking to Ben last night convinced me I needed to finish up the GDB to MDB reference that I started last month. So here’s part two.

GDB MDB Description

Program Stack

backtrace n ::stack
Display stack backtrace for the current thread
Display a stack for a given thread. In the kernel, thread
is the address of the kthread_t. In userland, it's the thread
info ... - Display information about the current frame. MDB doesn't support
the debugging data necessary to maintain the frame abstraction.

Execution Control

:c Continue target.
Step to the next machine instruction. MDB does not support
stepping by source lines.
Step over the next machine instruction, skipping any function
finish ::step
Continue until returning from the current frame.
jump *address address&gtreg Jump to the given location. In MDB, reg depends on your
platform. For SPARC it's 'pc', for i386 its 'eip', and for amd64 it's


print expr addr::print
Print the given expression. In GDB you can specify variable
names as well as addresses. For MDB, you give a particular address and then
specify the type to display (which can include dereferencing of members,
print /f addr/f Print data in a precise format. See ::formats for a
list of MDB formats.
disassem addr addr::dis Dissasemble text at the given address, or the current PC if no
address is specified

This is just a primer. Both programs support a wide variety of additional
options. Running 'mdb -k', you can quickly see just how many commands are out

> ::dcmds ! wc -l
> ::walkers ! wc -l

One helpful trick is ::dcmds ! grep thing, which searches the
description of each command. Good luck, and join the discussion over at the
OpenSolaris MDB
if you have any questions or tips of your own.

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2 Responses

  1. Gosh, based on that primer one would think gdb is clearly a better choice. Twice you had to say that mdb just couldn’t do something gdb did — and they were pretty major things like looking at your frame and stepping by source line…
    And the commands for mdb are pretty esoteric. Why is step prefixed by two colons but continue by one? What’s the logic spelling bracktrace “$C”?

  2. Anonymous coward –
    As has been mentioned many times before, MDB is not a source level debugger because it was not the design center. The things I mentioned above are things MDB can’t do because we can’t do source level debugging. But we’re also orders of magnitude ahead of GDB in terms of post mortem debugging and kernel debugging. So MDB is not the right tool for every job, it’s better at some things and GDB is better at others.
    As for the language, it’s a necessary complication do to historical reasons: compatibility with adb(1). I should have noted that ‘$C’ (the old adb version) can be replaced by ‘::stack’ to be more modern. See the OpenSolaris community for more possible enhancements and further discussion.

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