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Tag: Joyent

My previous entry introduced Project Bardiche, a project which revamps how we do networking for KVM guests. This entry focuses on the design and architecture of the vnd driver and how it fits into the broader networking stack.

The illumos networking stack

The illumos networking stack is broken into several discrete pieces which is summarized in the following diagram:

             | libdlpi |  libvnd  | libsocket|
             |         ·          ·    VFS   |
             |   VFS   ·    VFS   +----------+
             |         ·          |  sockfs  |
             |         |    VND   |    IP    |
             |         +----------+----------+
             |            DLD/DLS            |
             |              MAC              |
             |             GLDv3             |

At the top of the diagram are the common interfaces to user land. The first and most familiar is libsocket. That contains all of the common interfaces that C programmers are used to seeing: connect(3SOCKET), accept(3SOCKET), etc. On the other hand, there’s libdlpi, which provides an alternate means for interacting with networking devices. It is often used by software like DHCP servers and for LLDP. libvnd is new and a part of project bardiche. For now, we’ll stick to describing the other two paths.

Next, operations transit through the virtual file system (VFS) to reach their next destination. For most folks, that’ll be the illumos file system sockfs. The sockfs file system provides a means of translating between the gory details of TCP, UDP, IP, and friends, and the actual sockets that they rely on. The next step for such sockets is what folks traditionally think of as the TCP/IP stack. This encompasses everything related to the actual protocol processing. For example, connecting a socket and going through the TCP dance of the SYN and SYN/ACK is all handled by the logic in the TCP/IP stack. In illumos, both TCP and IP are implemented in the same kernel module called IP.

The next layer is comprised of two kernel modules which work together called DLD and DLS. DLD is the data-link driver and DLS is the data-link services module. The two modules work together. Every data link in illumos, whether it’s a virtual nic or physical nic, is modeled as a dld device. When you open something like /dev/net/igb0, that’s an instance of a DLD device. These devices provide an implementation of all of the DLPI (Data-link Provider Interface) STREAMS messages and are used to negotiate the fast path. We’ll go into more detail about that in a future entry.

Everything transits out of DLD and DLS and enters the MAC layer. The MAC layer handles taking care of interfacing with the actual device drivers, programming unicast and multicast addresses into devices, controlling whether or not the devices are in promiscuous mode, etc. The final layer is the Generic Lan Device version three (GLDv3) Device Driver. GLDv3 is a standard interface for networking device drivers and represents a set of entry points that the Operating System expects to use with them.

vnd devices

A vnd device is created on top of a data link similar to how an IP interface is created on top of a data link. Once a vnd device has been created, it can be used to read and write layer two frames. In addition, a vnd device can optionally be linked into the file system name space allowing others to open the device.

Similar to /dev/net, vnd devices show up under /dev/vnd. A control node is always created at /dev/vnd/ctl. This control node is referred to as a self-cloning device. That means that any time the device is opened, a new instance of the device is created. Once the control node has been opened, it is associated with a data link and then it is bound into the file system name space with some name that usually is identical to the name of the data link. After the device has been bound, it then shows up in /dev/vnd. If a vnd device was named net0 then it would show up as /dev/vnd/net0. Just as /dev/net displays all of the data links in th various zones under /dev/net/zone, the same is true for vnd. The vnd devices in any zone are all located under /dev/vnd/zone and follow the pattern /dev/vnd/zone/%zonename/%vnddevice. These devices are never directly manipulated. Instead, they are used by libvnd and vndadm.

Once a vnd device has been created and bound into the name space, it will persist until it is removed with either vndadm or libvnd or the zone it is present in is halted. The removal of vnd devices from the name space is similar to calling unlink(2) on a file. If any process has the vnd device open after it is has been removed from the name space, it will persist until all open handles have been closed.

If a data link already has an IP interface or is being actively used for any other purpose, a vnd device cannot be created on top of it, and vice versa. Because vnd devices operate at a layer two, if various folks are already consuming layer three, it doesn’t make sense to create a vnd device on top of it. The opposite also holds.

The command vndadm was written to manipulate vnd devices. It’s worth stepping through some basic examples of using the command. Even more examples can be found in its manual page. With that, let’s get started and create a vnic and then a device. Substitute your physical link for anything you prefer.

# dladm create-vnic -l e1000g0 vnd0
# vndadm create vnd0
# ls /dev/vnd
ctl   vnd0  zone

With that, we’ve created a device. Next, we can use vndadm to list devices as well as get and set properties.

# vndadm list
NAME             DATALINK         ZONENAME
vnd0             vnd0             global
# vndadm get vnd0
LINK          PROPERTY         PERM  VALUE
vnd0          rxbuf            rw    65536
vnd0          txbuf            rw    65536
vnd0          maxsize          r-    4194304
vnd0          mintu            r-    0
vnd0          maxtu            r-    1518
# vndadm set txbuf=2M
# vndadm get vnd0 txbuf
LINK          PROPERTY         PERM  VALUE
vnd0          txbuf            rw    2097152

You’ll note that there are two properties that we can set, rxbuf and txbuf. These are the sizes of buffers that an instance of a vnd device maintains. As frames come in, they are put into the receive buffer where they sit until they are read by someone, usually a KVM guest. If a frame would come in that would exceed the size of that buffer, then it will be dropped instead. The transmit buffer controls the total amount of outstanding data that can exist at any given time in the vnd subsystem. The vnd device has to keep track of this to deal with cases like flow control.

Finally, we can go ahead and remove the device via:

# vndadm destroy vnd0

While not shown here, all of these commands can operate on device that are in another zone, if the user is in the global zone. To get statistics about device throughput and packet drops, you can use the command vndstat. Here’s a brief example:

$ vndstat 1 5
 name |   rx B/s |   tx B/s | drops txfc | zone
 net0 | 1.45MB/s | 14.1KB/s |     0    0 | 1b7155a4-aef9-e7f0-d33c-9705e4b8b525
 net0 | 3.50MB/s | 19.5KB/s |     0    0 | 1b7155a4-aef9-e7f0-d33c-9705e4b8b525
 net0 | 2.83MB/s | 30.8KB/s |     0    0 | 1b7155a4-aef9-e7f0-d33c-9705e4b8b525
 net0 | 3.08MB/s | 30.6KB/s |     0    0 | 1b7155a4-aef9-e7f0-d33c-9705e4b8b525
 net0 | 3.21MB/s | 30.6KB/s |     0    0 | 1b7155a4-aef9-e7f0-d33c-9705e4b8b525

The drops column sums up the total number of drops while the txfc column shows the number of times that the device has been flow controlled during that period.

Programmatic Use

So far, I’ve demonstrated the use of the user commands. For most applications, you’ll want to use the fully featured C library libvnd. The introductory manual is where you’ll want to get started for all information in using it. It will point you out to all of the rest of the functions which can all be found in the manual section 3VND. Please keep in mind, that until the library makes its way up into illumos, portions of the API may still end up changing and isn’t considered stable yet.

Peeking under the hood

So far we’ve talked about how you can use these devices, now let’s go under the hood and talk about how this is constructed. For all of the full gory details, you should turn to the vnd big theory statement. There are multiple components that make up the general architecture of the vnd sub-system, though only character devices are shown. The following bit of ascii art from the big theory statement describes the general architecture:

+----------------+     +-----------------+
| global         |     | global          |
| device list    |     | netstack list   |
| vnd_dev_list   |     | vnd_nsd_list    |
+----------------+     +-----------------+
    |                    |
    |                    v
    |    +-------------------+      +-------------------+
    |    | per-netstack data | ---> | per-netstack data | --> ...
    |    | vnd_pnsd_t        |      | vnd_pnsd_t        |
    |    |                   |      +-------------------+
    |    |                   |
    |    | nestackid_t    ---+----> Netstack ID
    |    | vnd_pnsd_flags_t -+----> Status flags
    |    | zoneid_t       ---+----> Zone ID for this netstack
    |    | hook_family_t  ---+----> VND IPv4 Hooks
    |    | hook_family_t  ---+----> VND IPv6 Hooks
    |    | list_t ----+      |
    |    +------------+------+
    |                 |
    |                 v
    |           +------------------+       +------------------+
    |           | character device |  ---> | character device | -> ...
    +---------->| vnd_dev_t        |       | vnd_dev_t        |
                |                  |       +------------------+
                |                  |
                | minor_t       ---+--> device minor number
                | ldi_handle_t  ---+--> handle to /dev/net/%datalink
                | vnd_dev_flags_t -+--> device flags, non blocking, etc.
                | char[]        ---+--> name if linked
                | vnd_str_t * -+   |
        | STREAMS device          |
        | vnd_str_t               |
        |                         |
        | vnd_str_state_t      ---+---> State machine state
        | gsqueue_t *          ---+---> mblk_t Serialization queue
        | vnd_str_stat_t       ---+---> per-device kstats
        | vnd_str_capab_t      ---+----------------------------+
        | vnd_data_queue_t ---+   |                            |
        | vnd_data_queue_t -+ |   |                            v
        +-------------------+-+---+                  +---------------------+
                            | |                      | Stream capabilities |
                            | |                      | vnd_str_capab_t     |
                            | |                      |                     |
                            | |    supported caps <--+-- vnd_capab_flags_t |
                            | |    dld cap handle <--+-- void *            |
                            | |    direct tx func <--+-- vnd_dld_tx_t      |
                            | |                      +---------------------+
                            | |
           +----------------+ +-------------+
           |                                |
           v                                v
+-------------------+                  +-------------------+
| Read data queue   |                  | Write data queue  |
| vnd_data_queue_t  |                  | vnd_data_queue_t  |
|                   |                  |                   |
| size_t        ----+--> Current size  | size_t        ----+--> Current size
| size_t        ----+--> Max size      | size_t        ----+--> Max size
| mblk_t *      ----+--> Queue head    | mblk_t *      ----+--> Queue head
| mblk_t *      ----+--> Queue tail    | mblk_t *      ----+--> Queue tail
+-------------------+                  +-------------------+

At a high level there are three different core components. There is a per-netstack data structure, there is a character device and there is a STREAMS device.

A netstack, or networking stack, is a concept in illumos that contains an independent set of networking information. This includes TCP/IP state, routing tables, tunables, etc. Every zone in SmartOS has its own netstack which allows zones to more fully control and interface with networking. In addition, the system has a series of IP hooks which are used by things like ipfilter and ipd to manipulate packets. When the vnd kernel module is first loaded, it registers with the netstack sub-system which ensures that allows the vnd kernel module to create its per-netstack data. In addition to hooking, the per-netstack data is used to make sure that when a zone is halted that all of the associated vnd devices are torn down.

The character device is the interface between consumers and the system. The vnd module is actually a self-cloning device. Whenever a library handle is created it first opens the control node which is /dev/vnd/ctl. The act of opening that creates a clone of the device with a new minor number. When an existing vnd device is opened, then no cloning takes place, it opens one of the existing character devices.

The major magic happens when a vnd character device is asked to associate with a data link. This happens through an ioctl that the library wraps up and takes care of. When the device is associated, the kernel itself does what we call a layered open – it opens and holds another character or block device. In this case the vnd module does a layered open of the data link. However, the devices that back data links are still STREAMS devices that speak DLPI. To take care of dealing with all of the DLPI messages and set up the normal fast path, we use the third core component: the vnd STREAMS device.

The vnd STREAMS device is fairly special, it cannot be used outside of the kernel and is an implementation detail of the vnd driver. After doing the layered open, the vnd STREAMS device is pushed onto the stream head and it begins to exchange DLPI messages to set up and configure the data link. Once it has successfully walked through its state machine, the device is full and ready to go. As part of doing that, it asks for exclusive access to the device, enables us to receive all the packets that are originally destined for the device, and enables direct function calls for this through what’s referred to commonly as the fastpath. Once that’s set up, the character device and STREAMS device wire up with one another. Once that’s all been finished successfully, the character device can be fully initialized.

At this point in time, the device can be fully used for reading and writing packets. It can optionally be bound into the file system name space. That binding is facilitated by the sdev file system and its new plugin interface. We’ll go into more detail about that in a future entry.

The STREAMS device contains a lot of the meat for dealing with data. It contains the data queues and it controls all the interactions with DLD/DLS and the fastpath. In addition, it also knows about its gsqueue (generic serialization queue). The gsqueue is used to ensure that we properly handle the order of transmitted packets, especially when subject to flow control.

The following two diagrams (from the big theory statement) describe the path that data takes when received and when transmitted.

Receive path

                                 * . . . packets from gld
                          |     mac     |
                          |     dld     |
                                 * . . . dld direct callback
                         | vnd_mac_input |
  +---------+             +-------------+
  | dropped |<--*---------|  vnd_hooks  |
  |   by    |   .         +-------------+
  |  hooks  |   . drop probe     |
  +---------+     kstat bump     * . . . Do we have free
                                 |         buffer space?
                           no .  |      . yes
                              .  +      .
                          |                     |
                          * . . drop probe      * . . recv probe
                          |     kstat bump      |     kstat bump
                          v                     |
                       +---------+              * . . fire pollin
                       | freemsg |              v
                       +---------+   +-----------------------+
                                     | vnd_str_t`vns_dq_read |
                                              ^ ^
                              +----------+    | |     +---------+
                              | read(9E) |-->-+ +--<--| frameio |
                              +----------+            +---------+

Transmit path

  +-----------+   +--------------+       +-------------------------+   +------+
  | write(9E) |-->| Space in the |--*--->| gsqueue_enter_one()     |-->| Done |
  | frameio   |   | write queue? |  .    | +->vnd_squeue_tx_append |   +------+
  +-----------+   +--------------+  .    +-------------------------+
                          |   ^     .
                          |   |     . reserve space           from gsqueue
                          |   |                                   |
             queue  . . . *   |       space                       v
              full        |   * . . . avail          +------------------------+
                          v   |                      | vnd_squeue_tx_append() |
  +--------+          +------------+                 +------------------------+
  | EAGAIN |<--*------| Non-block? |<-+                           |
  +--------+   .      +------------+  |                           v
               . yes             v    |     wait          +--------------+
                           no . .*    * . . for           | append chain |
                                 +----+     space         | to outgoing  |
                                                          |  mblk chain  |
    from gsqueue                                          +--------------+
        |                                                        |
        |      +-------------------------------------------------+
        |      |
        |      |                            yes . . .
        v      v                                    .
   +-----------------------+    +--------------+    .     +------+
   | vnd_squeue_tx_drain() |--->| mac blocked? |----*---->| Done |
   +-----------------------+    +--------------+          +------+
                                        |                     |
      |                                 |           tx        |
      |                          no . . *           queue . . *
      | flow controlled .               |           empty     * . fire pollout
      |                 .               v                     |   if mblk_t's
    +-------------+     .      +---------------------+        |   sent
    | set blocked |<----*------| vnd_squeue_tx_one() |--------^-------+
    | flags       |            +---------------------+                |
    +-------------+    More data       |    |      |      More data   |
                       and limit       ^    v      * . .  and limit   ^
                       not reached . . *    |      |      reached     |
                                       +----+      |                  |
                                                   v                  |
    +----------+          +-------------+    +---------------------------+
    | mac flow |--------->| remove mac  |--->| gsqueue_enter_one() with  |
    | control  |          | block flags |    | vnd_squeue_tx_drain() and |
    | callback |          +-------------+    | GSQUEUE_FILL flag, iff    |
    +----------+                             | not already scheduled     |

Wrapping up

This entry introduces the tooling around vnd and provides a high level overview of the different components that make up the vnd module. In the next entry in the series on baridche, we’ll cover the new framed I/O abstraction. Entries following that will cover the new DLPI extensions, the sdev plugin interface, generalized squeues, and finally the road ahead.

I just recently landed Project Bardiche into SmartOS. The goal of Bardiche has been to create a more streamlined data path for layer two networking in illumos. While the primary motivator for this was for KVM guests, it’s opened up a lot of room for more than just virtual machines. This bulk of this project is comprised of changes to illumos-joyent; however, there were some minor changes made to smartos-live, illumos-kvm, and illumos-kvm-cmd.

Project Highlights

Before we delve into a lot more of the specifics in the implementation, let’s take a high level view of what this project has brought to the system. Several of these topics will have their own follow up blog entries.

  • The global zone can now see data links for every zone in /dev/net/zone/%zonename/%datalink.

  • libdlpi(3LIB) was extended to be able to access those nics.

  • snoop(1M) now has a -z option to capture packets on a data link that belongs to a zone.

  • A new DLPI(7P) primitive DL_EXCLUSIVE_REQ was added.

  • A new DLPI(7P) promiscuous mode was added: DL_PROMISC_RX_ONLY.

  • ipfilter can now filter packets for KVM guests.

  • The IP squeue interface was generalized to allow for multiple consumers in a new module called gsqueue.

  • The sdev file system was enhanced with a new plugin interface.

  • A new driver vnd was added, an associated library libvnd, and
    commands vndadm and vndstat. This driver provides the new layer two data path.

  • A new abstraction for sending and receiving framed data called framed I/O.

There’s quite a bit there. The rest of this entry will go into detail on the motivation for this work and a bit more on the new /dev/net/zone, libdlpi, and snoop features. Subsequent entries will cover the the new vnd architecture and the new DLPI primitives, the new gsqueue interface, shine a bit more light on what gets referred to as the fastpath, and cover the new sdev plugin architecture.


Project bardiche started from someone asking what would it take to allow a hypervisor-based firewall to be able to filter packets that were being sent from a KVM guest. We wanted to focus on allowing the hypervisor to provide the firewall because of the following challenges associated with managing a firewall running in the guest.

While it’s true that practically all the guests that you would run under hardware virtualization have their own firewall software, they’re rarely the same. If we wanted to leverage the firewall built into the guest, we’d need to build an agent that lived in each guest. Not only does that mean that we’d have to write one of these for every type of guest we wanted to manage, given that customers are generally the super-user in their virtual machine (VM), they’d be able to simply kill the agent or change these rules, defeating the API.

While dealing with this, there were several other deficiencies in how networking worked for KVM guests today based on how QEMU, the program that actually runs the VM, interacted with the host networking. For each Ethernet device that was in the guest, there was a corresponding virtual NIC in the host. The two were joined with the vnic back end in QEMU which originally used libdlpi to bind them. While this worked, there were some problems with it.

Because we had to put the device in promiscuous mode, there was no way to tell it not to send back traffic that came from ourselves. In addition to just being a waste of cycles, this causes duplicate address detection, often performed with IPv6, to fail for many systems.

In addition, the dlpi interfaces had no means of reading or writing multiple packets at a time. A lot of these issues extend from the history of the illumos networking stack. When it was first implemented, it was done using STREAMS. Over time, that has changed. In Solaris 10 the entire networking stack was revamped with a project called Fire Engine. That project, among many others, transitioned the stack from a message passing interface to one that used a series of direct calls and serialization queues (squeues). Unfortunately, the means by which we were using libdlpi, left us still using STREAMS.

While exploring the different options and means to interface with the existing firewall, we eventually reached the point where we realized that we needed to go out and create a new interface that solved this, and the related problems that we had, as well as, lay the foundation for a lot of work that we’d still like to do.

First Stop: Observability Improvements

When I first started this project, I knew that I was going to have to spend a lot of time debugging. As such, I knew that I need to solve one of the more frustrating aspects of working with KVM networking: the ability to snoop and capture traffic. At Joyent, we always run a KVM instance inside of zone. This gives us all the benefits of zones: the associated security and resource controls.

However, before this project, data links that belonged to zones were not accessible from the global zone. Because of the design of the KVM branded zone, the only process running is QEMU and you cannot log in, which makes it very hard to pass the data link to snoop or tcpdump. This set up does not make it impossible to debug. One can use DTrace or use snoop on a device in the global zone; however, both of those end up requiring a bit more work or filtering.

The solution to this is to allow the global zone to see the data links for all devices across all zones under /dev/net and then enhance the associated libraries and commands to support accessing the new devices. If you’re in the global zone, there is now a new directory called /dev/net/zone. Don’t worry, this new directory can’t break you, as all data links in the system need to end with a number. On my development virtual machine which has a single zone with a single vnic named net0, you’d see the following:

[root@00-0c-29-37-80-28 ~]# find /dev/net | sort

Just as you always have in SmartOS, you’ll still see the data links for your zone at the top level in /dev/net, eg. /dev/net/e1000g0 and /dev/net/vmwarebr0. Next, each of the zones on the system, in this case the global zone, and the non-global zone named 79809c3b-6c21-4eee-ba85-b524bcecfdb8, show up in /dev/net/zone. Inside of each of those directories are the data links that live in that zone.

The next part of this was exposing this functionality in libdlpi and then using that in snoop. For the moment, I added a private interface called dlpi_open_zone. It’s similar to dlpi_open except that it takes an extra argument for the zone name. Once this change gets up to illumos it’ll then become a public interface that you can and should use. You can view the manual page online here or if you’re on a newer SmartOS box you can run man dlpi_open_zone to see the documentation.

The use of this made its way into snoop in the form of a new option: -z zonename. Specifying a zone with -z will cause snoop to use dlpi_open_zone which will try to open the data link specified via its -d option from the zone. So if we wanted to watch all the icmp traffic over the data link that the KVM guest used we could run:

# snoop -z 79809c3b-6c21-4eee-ba85-b524bcecfdb8 -d net0 icmp

With this, it should now be easier, as an administrator of multiple zones, to observe what’s going on across multiple zones without having to log into them.


There are numerous people whom helped this project along the way. The entire Joyent engineering team helped from the early days of bouncing ideas about APIs and interfaces all the way through to the final pieces of review. Dan McDonald, Sebastien Roy, and Richard Lowe, all helped review the various write ups and helped deal with various bits of arcana in the networking stack. Finally, the broader SmartOS community helped go through and provide additional alpha and beta testing.

What’s Next

In the following entries, we’ll take a tour of the new sub-systems ranging from the vnd architecture and framed I/O abstraction through the sdev interfaces.

As a part of the work Bryan, Dave, Brendan, and I have been doing to instrument Node, Bryan wrote a translator file. One of the nice things about DTrace is that you can define the arguments to a probe to be a structure and simply access them like a C struct. The way that this all works is via a translator for USDT probes which embeds knowledge of how to look up members of a probes struct. Unfortunately, there is currently a bug in how we handle dependencies for translators, but we also have a fix for that problem. But before I get there, let’s show an example of he use of translators. Let’s say that I want to get the method for every HTTP request that is coming in with node. I can use the following DTrace snippet:

# dtrace -n 'node*:::http-server-request{ printf("%s", args[0]->method); }'
dtrace: description 'node*:::http-server-request' matched 6 probes
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET
0 3705 _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE:http-server-request GET

The DTrace probes themselves specify a specific argument type. If that translator argument is a struct, we can define an operation to transform the probe argument and get out a specific value. Generally this involves a lot of use of copyin and copyinstr and is quite messy o write, but once written makes all scripts that leverage it much more powerful. These translators is that you can express the dependencies between them. In this case, the Node translator relies on the procfs translator. Thus for this to work, you need to have procfs.d which ships with SunOS.

Now, the big question to ask is how does DTrace know where to look for these translators. By default DTrace looks in /usr/lib/dtrace. However, you can also tell DTrace to look in an additional location by using the -Lpath flag to dtrace(1M). So if you wanted to keep your node.d provider in say /opt/rm/lib/dtrace, we could run the above command as:

# dtrace -L/opt/rm/lib/dtrace -n 'node*:::http-server-request{ printf("%s", args[0]->method); }'

Now, unfortunately there is a bug in this; however, I have a fix for it. Without this fix when trying to resolve library dependencies, DTrace only looks for the file in the same directory. So it would try and look for the dependency procfs.d in /opt/rm/lib/dtrace/procfs.d. However, we don’t have it there, we have it in /usr/lib/dtrace.

Here is a patch against Illumos that fixes this issue. Please note that the patch there is released under the CDDL and copyrighted by Joyent. It causes us to search our entire library path to try and find the first occurrence of a file with the name we’re looking for. So in our case above, we will find that proc.d is in /usr/lib/dtrace and resolve the dependency correctly. Hopefully we’ll see this fix make it upstream into Illumos before too long, as well as, Mac OS X and FreeBSD.

This past Wednesday Brendan Gregg and Bryan Cantrill gave a presentation on the work that’s been going on at Joyent related to visualizing performance and how we’re using this to solve customer problems. This is based on the work that the the four of us (Bryan, Brendan, Dave and I) have been doing.

You can watch the recorded live stream of the presentation Solving Big Problems (with Cloud Analytics) here.

I haven’t been sitting idly these past few weeks, I’ve skipped the frying pan and gone straight into the fire at Joyent!. At Joyent I’m joining a group of great engineers. I’ll be tackling the problem
of Cloud Analytics with a familiar cast of engineers:

Things have been moving fast and not even the holidays aren’t slowing us down too much. Dave has compiled some links to information on a bit of the background of Cloud Analytics, which can be found here. As we make progress I’ll hopefully have some interesting things to talk about related to the problem on here among some other talks.

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September 27, 2019
September 6, 2019
October 1, 2014
